Bitcoin: How do I install Electrum Personal Server with bitcoind v28.0 on a RPi4?

Installing Electrum Personal Server with Bitcoin Core v28.0 on a Raspberry Pi 4

Hello fellow Bitcoin enthusiasts! If you’re running Bitcoin Core v28.0 on your Raspberry Pi 4 and are having trouble with Electrum Personal Server, don’t worry – I’ve got a few steps to help you troubleshoot and install the latest version of Electrum.


Bitcoin: How do I install Electrum Personal Server with bitcoind v28.0 on a RPi4?

Before proceeding, please note that updating to Electrum requires a reboot of your Raspberry Pi. Make sure to save any unsaved work or close all applications before you begin.

Step 1: Update your Raspberry Pi to the latest operating system

Before installing Electrum, make sure your Raspberry Pi is running the latest version of the operating system. You can do this by:

  • Logging in as root
  • Running sudo apt update
  • Running sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install Bitcoin Core v28.0

Now that your Raspberry Pi is up to date, you can proceed with installing Bitcoin Core v28.0 on your system. You will need to use a package manager like apt or pip. Here’s how:

  • For Raspbian (the official Raspberry Pi operating system):

+ Run sudo apt install bitcoin-core

If you are running a different operating system, adjust the command accordingly.

  • For Ubuntu-based systems:

+ Run sudo apt install bitcoin-core

Step 3: Download and install Electrum Personal Server

Electrum Personal Server is an optimized version of the Electron application, designed specifically for Bitcoin Core. Here’s how to download and install it:

  • Go to the [Electrum GitHub page]( and click on the “Releases” tab.
  • Download the latest version (v28.x or v29.x, depending on your needs).
  • Extract the zip file to a folder on your system (e.g. C:\Users\YourElectrumUsername\).

Step 4: Configure Electrum

Once you’ve downloaded and extracted the Electron application, you’ll need to configure it for Bitcoin Core.

  • Run sudo electrum --configpath to Bitcoin Core configuration file
  • Replace/path/to/your/config/filewith the actual path to your Electrum configuration file.
  • Make sure this folder is in your system’s PATH environment variable.

Step 5: Launch Electrum Personal Server

Now that you’ve configured Electrum, it’s time to launch the application:

  • Open a terminal or command prompt
  • Runelectrum –newserver

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues while installing or running, here are some troubleshooting tips to help resolve them:

  • Refer to the Electrum documentation for specific instructions on how to install and configure Bitcoin Core.
  • Make sure your Raspberry Pi is running the latest version of the operating system.
  • Make sure theBitcoin Core configuration file path` matches the actual location where you downloaded the Electron application.

That’s it! You should now be able to successfully install and launch Electrum Personal Server with Bitcoin Core v28.0 on your Raspberry Pi 4.

If you have any further questions or encounter any issues, feel free to ask. I will do my best to help.
