Ethereum: C# parse bitcoin blockchain to get balance of an address

Analysis of Blockchain Bitcoin C

Without External API

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As you work with NBitcoin, which is the .NET library to interact with Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain, we will investigate a possible solution to analyze the bitcoin circuit without using external apis.

Refusal of Responsibility: This approach requires knowledge of Bitcoin Blockchain’s structure and operations. In addition, due to the nature of the decentralized blockchain, this method may not provide accurate or updated information for date on the balance of a specific address.



To read Bitcoin Blockchain, we will use the library feature built for the function of the NBITCOIN Library and analyze it to get a balance from a specific address. We’ll think you have a new pair of keys created in C#using the NBITCOIN API.

Required conditions:

  • Install [NBITCOIN] (

  • Make sure you are familiar with Bitcoin Blockchain’s structure and operations



Using NBitcoin;

Class program


Static Void Main (String [] ARGS)


// Create a new pair of keys using nbitcoin

KeyPair Key = GetNewkesyPair ();

// Login on the bitcoin knot (replace your knot or create a test network)

Node Node = New Testnetnode (“http: // localhost: 8332”); // Adjusts under the URL of your knot

// Read the Bitcoin blockchain to the byte mass

Byte [] blockchain = node.blockchain (). To read ();

// Analyze blockchain data using the NBITCOIN block class

Block block = blockchain [0];

// Find the operation of interest (eg, Getaddrofo operation containing the balance)

TX Operation = block.Transats.Frostordefault (t => t.thpe == 2);

If (tx! = Zero)


// Pull the operation address

Sequence Address = tx.address;

// Get the balance of the specified address using the “Account” NBITCOIN class

Account account = node.acts.get (address);

Decimal Balance = Account.Balance;

Console.writeline ($ “Address: {Address}, Balance: {Balance: C});




Console.writeline (“No Operations found”);



// Auxiliary resource to create a new pair of keys using the NBITCOIN API



return a new key ();





  • For the sake of simplicity, we joined the Bitcoin node in memory.

  • We read the entire blockchain to the massive byte “block”.

  • We analyzed the first block using the Block NBitcoin class that contains surgery.

  • We find an operation that contains the balance filtering through operations (in this case, Operation Getaddrofo).

  • If the operation is found, we remove the address and use NBitcoin’s “account” class to get the rest.


Ethereum: C# parse bitcoin blockchain to get balance of an address

This solution assumes that you are working with a knot in memory or creating a test network. In the real world scenario, accuracy is the necessary use of a live bitcoin node. Also, remember that this approach may not provide accurate information about very short waste due to blockchain congestion and other factors.

Remember that this example provides a simplified solution and should not be used for production levels without additional testing and approval.
