Ethereum: How do I compose a transaction with OP_RETURN in Python?

Composition of a transaction with op_retururn in python

Op_retururn is an efficient way to create small quantities of cryptocurrency transactions without having to form them manually as a regular transaction. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use Python to compose a transaction with op_retururn.

Ethereum: How do I compose a transaction with OP_RETURN in Python?


  • Make sure you have bookcases hashlib hmac 'installed in your Python environment. You can install them using PIP:PIP Install hashlib hmac '

  • Be aware of the maximum block size limit for Op_retururn (1 KB) transactions and the minimum value required (0). Any transaction greater than 1 KB will be rejected or containing a value greater than 2^64-1 bytes.

composed a transaction with op_retururn

To compose a transaction, it is necessary to generate a hash of your input data. Here is an example function that generates a valid OP_Return transaction:


Matters hashlib

by Hmac Importi Digest

Def op_return (data):

Convert Input data to byte

Data_bytes = date.encode (‘utf-8’)

Generates an input data hash-256

Hash_hex = hashlib.sha256 (Data_bytes) .hexdigest ()

Create a HMAC-SHA256 signature using input data and its hash

Mr = Digest ((data, hash_hex), hashlib.sha256)

return {

‘Type’: ‘op_return’,

‘Data’: data,

‘hash’: Mr.hex (),

‘Index’: 0



This function takes a stringgiven as input, converts it to bytes, generates a shak-256 hash of input data using hashliband creates a HMAC-SHA256 signature using input data and its hash.

Example of use of the case

Here is an example of how you can use the above function to compose a transaction with op_retururn:


Date = “My address Ethereum: 0x1234567890ABCDEF”

Transaction = op_return (data)

PRINT (Transaction)

Output: {‘Type’: ‘op_return’, …}


Note that this is just an example and you should always validate the input data before using it to build a transaction.

management errors

Keep in mind that the Op_retururn transactions are of limited size (1 KB) and value (2^64-1 bytes). If the transaction exceeds these limits or contains non -valid data, it will be rejected. Make sure to correctly manage errors and use this function only for legitimate purposes.


Op_retururn is a convenient way to create small quantities of cryptocurrency transactions without manually formatting them as a regular transaction. By generating a valid op_retururn transaction using Python, it is possible to compose efficient and safe transactions. Remember to always validate the input data before using them to build a transaction. Happy code!
