Metamask: “We were not able to estimate gas. There might be an error in the contract and this transaction may fail.” message, but the transaction succeed

Metamask Error: “Gas estimation failure” in BSC Testnet and Mainnet

In the world in rapid evolution of blockchain development, errors can occur at any time, especially when working with complex contracts. One of these errors that has tormented developers is the infamous “gas estimation”, which affects Metamask, a popular Ethereum -based wallet.

The problem: Failure to estimate gas

By developing a contract on multiple blockchain platforms, including Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum (Mainnet), it is not uncommon to find gas estimation errors. However, a recent issue with Metamask highlighted the severity of this problem. According to various developer reports and test communities, when using Metamask for TestNet transactions or main network blockchains, the wallet fails to estimate the gas accurately.

The message “We can’t estimate”

Upon finding this error, users usually receive a message similar to the following:

“We couldn’t estimate the gas. There may be an error in the contract and this transaction can fail.”

This error can be particularly frustrating as it indicates that the wallet is unable to accurately predict how much gas will be required for a specific transaction. The “may be a mistake” of the message suggests that there may be a problem with the contract itself, which further complicates the test process.

Testing community reactions

The problem drew significant attention from the test community, with many users sharing their experiences and try to solve the problem. Some reported problems with gas estimates on several main network testing and blockchains, while others have tried to ignore the error manually estimating gas using specific tools or scripts.

Developer insights: mitigating gas estimation failure

To mitigate this problem, developers can employ some strategies:

  • Use of gas estimation libraries : Some developers recommend the use of external gas estimation libraries, which may help to estimate gas costs more accurately.

  • Calculation Gas Manual


    : As mentioned earlier, it may be necessary to manually calculate gas costs using specific tools or scripts to ignore the message “Error in the Contract”.

  • Test with a stake wallet : Using a stake wallet, such as the functionality of metamask piles, can help reduce the risk of errors due to insufficient gas reserves.


The “gas estimation” issue is a pressing concern for developers who work on blockchain projects. Although it may seem like an insurmountable problem at first glance, understanding the root cause and implementing attenuating strategies can help alleviate this frustration. As test communities continue to share their experiences, we hope these ideas will help solve this problem and provide more accurate gas estimates for Metamask users.


To overcome the question of “gas estimation failure” with Metamask:

  • Use external gas estimation libraries or manual calculation methods.

  • Employ the functionality of the betting card to reduce the risk.

  • Test on test nets before deploying contracts on Mainnet blockchains.

Following these recommendations and working closely with the test community, developers can successfully solve this problem and continue to build innovative blockchain projects.
