Solana: Error “Reached maximum depth for account resolution” when the length the String parameter is too long. When its short it works fine
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Title: Solana: managing long strings with error “has reached maximum depth for the resolution of the account”
When working with large data sets, it is essential to efficiently manage errors and cases on board. One of these cases is when a string passed to a function exceeds the maximum length allowed in single. In this article, we will explore how to capture such an error and provide significant feedback to users.
The problem: “has reached the maximum depth for the resolution of the account”
When it comes to large strings in solar, it is possible that an error “reached the maximum depth for the resolution of the account” will occur if the length of the string exceeds 2048 bytes. This problem arises because Solana uses the resolution of the account, which allows it to stop and efficiently recover data for large quantities of data.
The solution: capture of the error
To manage this error in the test function, you can use a Try-Catch block to capture any exceptions that occur when trying to resolve the string. If an exception occurs, it is possible to check whether the error is related to the resolution of the account.
Import {Solanaprogram} from ‘./solanaprogram’;
asynching function isvalidstrringlength (length: number): promise
Attempt {
Waiting Solanaprogram.resolvestringlength (‘mystring’, length);
return true;
} Catch (error) {
console.error (`error occurred during the control of the length of the string: $ {error.message}
return false;
// Example use:
Const Isvalid = EXAVANTS ISVALIDSTRINGLEGH (2048); // This should work well
Management of personalized errors
To provide significant feedback to users when an error occurs "reached the maximum depth for the resolution of the account", it is possible to create a personalized error class. Here is an example:
Class Nametoolongerror extends the error {
Manufacturer (Message: String) {
Super (message); = ‘Nametoolong’;
// Example use:
Const Isvalid = EXAVANTS ISVALIDSTRINGLEGH (2048); // This should not launch the error
Const Errmessage = New Nametoolongerror (‘String Too Long’);
console.error (errmassage);
Management of errors in the code, it is possible to ensure that users receive significant feedback and keep a better user experience. When working with large data set sets in Solana, always testing potential cases on board such as this error “has reached the utmost depth for the resolution of the account” to detect any problems at the beginning.